Elyonim Sasu v'sachtomin alzu, b'kabalas Torah haketuvah miSinai
To'ar kallah m'od nisalah b'kabalas yom zeh aseres devarim | עליונים ששו ותחתונים עלזו בקבלת תורה הכתובה מסיני
תואר כלה מאד נתעלה בקבלת יום זה עשרת דברים |
Translation:The Higher Realms rejoiced and the Lower Realms exulted when the written Torah was accepted from Sinai.
The beautiful bride was very much elevated when, on that day, the Ten Commandments were received. (User-contributed translation) | |
Information:From the Shavuos liturgy. Often sung to various tunes in Hasidic communities on Shavuos. |
Printed from the Zemirot Database |