Avinu Malkeinu Chabadאבינו מלכנו חב"ד |
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Avinu Malkeinu, ein lanu Melech, eloh otoh | אָבִינו מַלְכֵּנו, אֵין לָנו מֶלֶךְ, אֶלָא אָתָּה |
Translation:Our Father, Our King, we have no King but You. | |
Information:One of the ten melodies composed by the Alter Rebbe, R' Schneur Zalman of Liadi | |
Recordings(click to hide):If your browser does not load a recording, click on the arrow to download the recording. (Download will not be available for some songs.) If your browser does not support Flash, click here to use native mp3 support. | |
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