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Ashreinu ma tov chelkeinu umah naim goralinu
umah yafah y'rushateinu
אַשְׁרֵינוּ מַה טּוֹב חֶלְקֵנוּ
וּמַה נָּעִים גּוֹרָלֵנוּ
וּמַה יָּפָה יְרֻשָּׁתֵנוּ:


Happy are we! How goodly is our portion, and how pleasant is our lot, and how beautiful​ our heritage!​

Trans​lation from The Standard Prayer book by Simeon Singer (1915) (public domain)


From the liturgy, in the morning blessings.


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Recorded by: Allan Lehmann
Description: an old chabad version recorded by Rabbi Allan Lehmann

Description: Heard at Aish HaTorah

Recorded by: Joshua Cahan
Description: Recorded by Rabbi Josh Cahan

Recorded by: michael garb
Description: Abe Garb, Theo Garb z'l, 1998


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