Eli Atah V'odeka

אלי אתה ואודך

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Eli atah v'odeka,
elohai aromemeka.
Hodu l'adonai ki tov,
ki l'olam chasdo.
אֵלִי אַתָּה וְאוֹדֶךָּ.
אֱלֹהַי אֲרוֹמְמֶךָּ.
הוֹדוּ לה' כִּי טוֹב.
כִּי לְעוֹלָם חַסְדּוֹ.


You are my God, and I will thank you, my Lord and I will praise you. Give thanks to God for He is good, his kindness is everlasti​ng.

Trans​lation by Gabe Seed


From Hallel, Psalm 118


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Recorded by: Joshua Cahan
Description: Recorded by Rabbi Josh Cahan


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