V'kovei Hashem

וְקוֹיֵ השם יַחֲלִיפוּ כֹחַ

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Vekovei hashem yachalifu koach, ya'alu ever kenesharim; yarutzu velo yigau, yelechu velo yiafu
וְקוֹיֵ השם יַחֲלִיפוּ כֹחַ, יַעֲלוּ אֵבֶר כַּנְּשָׁרִים; יָרוּצוּ וְלֹא יִיגָעוּ, יֵלְכוּ וְלֹא יִיעָפוּ.


But they that wait for the Lord. shall renew their strength;​ they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint.

Isaia​h 40:31

Trans​lation source: Jewish Publicati​on Society Bible (1917) (public domain)
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