Eileh Vorechev

אֵלֶּה בָרֶכֶב

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Eileh vorechev, ve'eileh vasusim, vaanachnu beSheim Hashem Elokeinu nazkir.
אֵלֶּה בָרֶכֶב וְאֵלֶּה בַסּוּסִים וַאֲנַחְנוּ בְּשֵׁם הַ’ אלקינו נַזְכִּיר.


Some trust in chariots,​ and some in horses; but we will make mention of the name of the LORD our God.

Psalm​s 20:8

Jewis​h Publicati​on Society 1917 translati​on


NSCY bencher, pg 101.
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